
Julia Winter

In my workshop I turn porcelain vessels on the wheel, whose turning grooves remain visible and perceptible. The snow-white surface of the porcelain is my canvas for discreet but high-contrast brush painting in deep black, sometimes with coloured accents. I encounter the reduced motifs in my daily experience of flora and fauna and are inspired by traditional Japanese brush painting (Sumi-e). Fired porcelain is dishwasher-safe, captivates with its characteristic hardness, high sound and translucency.

My workshop is embedded in the Keramische Werkstätten on the keramik&kulturGUT Glindow. Opening hours from April to Christmas: Thurs and Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 2pm-5pm, and by personal arrangement.

Feel free to contact:

Keramische Werkstätten Glindow
Julia Winter
Dr.-Külz-Str. 69
Entrance Alpenstrasse
14542 Werder OT Glindow


Twisted porcelain vases, stripes and craneTurned porcelain vases, motif mixTwisted Porcelain Vases, Dots and CraneTwisted Porcelain Plate, Peach BlossomTwisted porcelain plate, domeTwisted Porcelain Plate and Bowl, DandelionTwisted Porcelain Ensemble, Peach BlossomsTranslucent porcelainTwisted Porcelain Espresso Set and Vase, Stripes and DotsTwisted Porcelain Cups, Flower BranchWorking hands - Turning off a bowlTurned porcelain bowls, cranesTwisted Porcelain Mug, Peach BlossomsTwisted porcelain mug, motif mixWorkshop view, workplace by the windowTurned porcelain mug, hand-painted

Where to find us

Porcelain Mug Cup Plate Espresso cup Vase Handmade Brush painting Decorated Brandenburg Werder Glindow Black and white Nature motifs Umbel Dandelion Blossom Crane Dots Stripe